Spirit Walker

by Matt Mercier

Chapter 1 - The Creation              Main

Chapter 2 - The Three Races

Chapter 3 - Takeover

Chapter 4 - Scott's Adventure

Chapter 5 - Back to the Central Continent

Chapter 6 - The Next Two Shards

Chapter 7 - Backtrack

Chapter 8 - The Final Shard

Chapter 9 - Gimeon Battle

Chapter 10 - Final Fight

Chapter 11 - The New World

Chapter 12 - What Happened Before

Chapter 13 - Donovan and Kilfred

Chapter 14 - The New Scott

Chapter 15 - 2nd Scott's Adventure

Chapter 16 - Blackcastle Island

Chapter 17 - The Four Orbs (Part One)

Chapter 18 - The Four Orbs (Part Two) Chapter 19 - Encounter at Oval Island Chapter 20 - Mordalfo and Mystacia Chapter 21 - The Centerpiece           Chapter 22 - The Underlands  

Chapter 23 - Deception 

Chapter 24 - Game Over




Chapter 7



The tree told Scott that the next shard was in the Brantu Forest, in the Southern Continent.  He used his boat to sail from Samsa Village to Yarnne City.  With his power ring, he could move the rock that was in the way.  The Brantu Forest was full of enemies, much stronger than the enemies he had fought before.  In the corner of the forest, he found the Vasta Lake.  He did not know what to do, so he played a song on his piccolo.  Suddenly, the water started moving.  A building rose out of the water, the Sunken Tomb.  Inside the tomb, Scott found hordes of enemies.  He also found a Fire Rod.  The Fire Rod was like his fireball, but it was far-range, and it could fire an unlimited amount of times.  In one room, he found a horde of Deathtroopers, the said most powerful enemies in the world (basically Ironknuckles from the Legend of Zelda).  He defeated them all barely.  In the room they were guarding, Scott found a flipper.  This rare, valuable item would allow Scott to swim in the Vasta Sea.  At the end of the tomb, Scott found another creature.  This monster was an amoeba in a pool of magical water.  She could control the water and make it attack Scott underwater, and make a body out of the water above the water.  Her name was Metamorta.  He found out that Metamorta was invulnerable to attacks underwater, so Scott decided to attack on the surface.  If he lit the four torches that surrounded the land, Metamorta would lose her water.  This would let Scott attack the amoeba.  This was a hard-to-follow strategy, because most of the time she was underwater, but after several hits, it worked.  As Metamorta’s water dried up, a door opened.  Inside, was the seventh shard.  Scott was instantly teleported out of the tomb.  The tree told Scott that the next shard was on Moler Mountain.  Moler Mountain was a maze of tunnels.  Scott finally found an entrance to Castle Mt. Moler. The inside of the castle was very hard to navigate.  Inside, he found a Big Key.  The Big Key could open any lock; a real time-saver.  Also he found a glass shield.  The glass shield could deflect anything.  At the end of the castle, he saw someone trying to open a door, and the back of his head looked somehow familiar.  As he turned around, Scott suddenly knew who it was.  Somehow, Mahammed had grown a body, and now he was twice as deadly.  As he figured, Mahammed wanted revenge.  Mahammed could fire lasers out of his eyes, so it was a good thing Scott found that glass shield.  When the laser was reflected into his eyes, Mahammed would be stunned.  Scott tried to slash him, but his sword was not strong enough.  Mahammed got up and swung a devastating blow.  “If I want to defeat this guy, I’m going to have to find something stronger than my sword.”  There was one thing he had stronger than his sword, Super Bombs.  When Mahammed was stunned, Scott threw a Super Bomb.  It blew off some of Mahammed’s body.  A few more bombs, and Mahammed was reduced to his head form, but that didn’t mean he was any less dangerous.  Mahammed could fly, and he still had his army of ghosts.  Scott had to sneak up behind Mahammed, and slice his soft underbelly, (under-head, whatever you want to call it) and at the same time, avoid the ghosts.  After many hits, Mahammed made a portal to the Underlands.  “Curse You, Spirit Walker!!!” “Right back at’cha, rock face!” In the now opened door, Scott found the eighth shard.



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Copyright 2005,  Matt Mercier

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